PISTIS is a European funded project that aims to develop a reference platform for the sharing/trading and monetisation of the proprietary data of an organization, guaranteeing a secure, trusted and controlled exchange and usage of data assets and data-driven intelligence.
The project will advance the available techniques and technologies, such as federated data discovery and sharing, DLTs, data non-fungible tokens (NFTs), AI-driven data quality assessment and monetisation, to build trust among stakeholders and assuage their concerns.

To set and implement the foundations for trusted, fair and reliable data sharing, trading and exchanges.

To design and deliver interoperable and secure data asset management and governance techniques.

To develop rigorous and fit-for-purpose data valuation and monetisation tools for data providers.

To integrate the PISTIS platform with easily deployable software, enabling trustful, reliable & interoperable exchanges.

To deploy, operate and validate the PISTIS platform within a set of representative real-world scenarios.

To diffuse, replicate and scale up the PISTIS offerings, satisfying the needs of a wide range of stakeholders.

To cultivate a data sharing mentality within organisations.