On 10th and 11th May the PISTIS Consortium met in presence in Limassol, Cyprus, to discuss the status of the ongoing activities and the steps of the next months. The 2nd General Assembly of PISTIS was hosted by SUITE5 in the amazing ATLANTICA Miramare Beach Hotel.

The agenda was rich but the sun and the sea outside the conference room helped PISTIS to achieve the objectives of the meeting:

  • A common understanding of the scope of the project
  • To present and discuss the PISTIS Data Lifecycle
  • To review the architecture of the PISTIS platform and the expected functionalities of its components
  • To present and discuss the first ideas of the methods that the components of the architecture will adopt
  • To learn more about real scenarios for demonstrators, what data are required and what are available, and who are the data providers and data consumers in each scenario
  • To clarify the role of the partners and the contributions expected from them
  • To plan and organise the work in the project for the upcoming period

On the first day, PISTIS presented an overview of the data management platform, and the real scenarios where the platform will be validated and used: the PISTIS demonstrator hubs in mobility and urban planning, energy, and automotive sectors.

The second day was the occasion to dive into the components of the PISTIS platform. An immersive day with an effective discussion between the data experts on more technical aspects of the solution that PISTIS aim to develop.